Originating in India, Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of health and healing. Ayurveda translates literally as the “wisdom of life” and is a holistic approach that provides the tools for maintaining our well-being. It teaches that through diet and lifestyle, we are able to balance all aspects of our life experience – body, mind, and spirit.
It is through food and lifestyle choices that we can nourish, rejuvenate, and heal. When body and mind are healthy and balanced, we are truly able to have the best possible experience of life.
Five elements manifest in the body as a combination of three bio-energies or doshas; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. A combination of these three doshas are present in every person and are responsible for our unique qualities and individual differences. Every person has qualities of all three, but most people are predominantly one or a combination of two doshas. Health is defined as a balance of these doshas. Poor health and disease manifest as a result of an imbalance in the doshas.
If we eat a diet and maintain a lifestyle that is appropriate for our mind/body type, according to the season, time, place and circumstances, we can reach and maintain optimal health and emotional balance. Unfortunately, our lifestyles, emotions, eating habits, and our environment often do not allow us to stay in harmony with our true nature.
In Ayurveda, the choices we make on how we nourish our body, mind, and souls are essential to achieving good health and vitality.
While only a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner can give an accurate reading of your dosha, the following brief outlines can be a starting point to discovering your predominant doshas.
- ➣ Light and thin body type (difficulty gaining weight).
- ➣ Smaller active eyes and thinner lips.
- ➣ Tendency towards dry rough skin, cold extremities and constipation.
- ➣ Craves warmth and moisture.
- ➣ Creative, lively, social, adaptable and enthusiastic.
- ➣ Tendency towards anxiety, fear, worry, and restlessness.
BENEFITS from: warmth, moisture, routine, relaxation and rest.
- ➣ Medium build with some muscle definition (gain & lose weight easily)
- ➣ Medium intense eyes and medium lips.
- ➣ Sensitive oily skin prone to rashes and irritations(ie. hives, acne, sunburn)
- ➣ Craves cool weather & fresh air.
- ➣ Determined, passionate, organized, competitive and intelligent.
- ➣ Tendency towards anger, irritability and criticism (of self or others).
BENEFITS from: cooling foods, nature, fresh air, gentle meditation, peace and calm.
- ➣ Large build and bone structure (difficulty losing weight)
- ➣ Large soft eyes and full lips.
- ➣ Soft oily pale skin with a tendency towards congestion and mucous.
- ➣ Loves relaxing and being at home.
- ➣ Calm, kind, compassionate, loving, and affectionate.
- ➣ Tendency towards feeling down, lethargic and withdrawing inwards.
BENEFITS from: warmth, exercise, adventure, sunshine and action.